We Believe:
Everyday workers make the city run
Los Angeles functions due to the efforts of hardworking people. We fail without them, and yet they are often forgotten and looked over.
Individuals know best what they need
Rather than creating programs that sound good to us, we listen to our network of professional helpers with first-hand, daily knowledge of the challenges their clients face. We respond to the specific requests we hear and create new programs out of them.
Urgent problems need urgent solutions
We respond to requests from our network of “Change Agents” within 24 - 48 hours. No lengthy application forms or request for proposals required.
Financial security is a human right
Many working people earning minimum wage or just above cannot cover the cost of life in LA, especially with our high housing and transportation costs. Each individual deserves financial stability, which also creates stronger communities.
Humanity’s greatest joy comes from giving
Our model of vetted direct giving empowers professional helpers to have more impact and more joy by giving them access to quick cash so they can solve immediate, specific problems that would otherwise derail their clients. We are committed to helping the helpers do their job better and gain more job satisfaction.
Giving back should not be the privilege of the few
We believe that everyone has the ability to give. We ask grant recipients to commit to helping someone in their community. Our model allows everyone to join the positive upward spiral of generosity. We are all givers.
“Too many people are missing out on the joy of giving.”
Working with the best people is a game-changing way to do philanthropy
Our model of vetted, hyper-local giving lets us leverage the time and talents of those already committed to making Los Angeles a great place to live.