"I am in such gratitude for everything that you have done for me this past year. It is so surreal to be sitting in my studio with furniture and being able to know that I can pursue my future without the stress of worrying how to get things. This is the first of many thank you‘s. Thank you for believing in me and for supporting me in my journey. I feel very empowered and on top of the world. I appreciate you helping me get settled into my home and as well as getting ready for school….I just received my first delivery of my school books and my technology tools are on the way this evening . Every time I sit on my couch and put a glass of tea on my table I feel the tears filling up in my eyes because I can’t believe that I have furniture. I haven’t had a coffee table before. The last time I had a beautiful dresser was when I lived with my parents. I never was able to buy myself a table to eat out in the kitchen. When I put my clothes into my beautiful dresser it just makes me feel so empowered. THANK YOU SO MUCH!”

To the individual(s) that blessed our family’s future, 

I am incredibly thankful for the blessing you’ve bestowed on not only myself and my career to move forward but due to the timing of it all, I’ve been honored to meet some very high-end entertainment directors and producers interested in my work and will be able to meet their requirements of me because of this new laptop. I’ve worked for 8 years straight to ensure my children have a bright future and more options because of it. This blessing for you gives me an opportunity to show why there is still so much good in the world as long as you play your part. You are a Saint and a kindhearted individual for this assistance. 

Thank you & God bless you and yours 
J.D. Smith
Veteran & Creative Visionary

I want to thank you for your incredible generosity from the very bottom of my heart. The  burden and stress this gift has lifted is not fully describable in just the word of “thanks”. 

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in April of 2022 at the age of 41. It was during my routine  mammogram that my images were flagged and I was called back for a deeper check. And then  again, and again until my diagnosis came to light. All during a mammogram I nearly canceled  because I was “too busy”. My new mission is to encourage women in my circle of influence to  get checked. It saved my life. I have been in literal survival mode ever since, rarely pausing to think about the financial burdens because I knew I had to fight with everything available to me. I was diagnosed early so my  prognosis after major surgery was good and combined with chemotherapy it was very good. I  said YES to treatment without thinking about the cost.

I’ve kept  my head high as I fully believe a positive attitude will contribute to healing mind and body alike.  I’ve very grateful to have received your wonderful gift and I will think of this generosity often as I continue the rest of my treatments and far beyond into my new life as a survivor. God Bless the Perlman Family.

“We are at a loss for words and can’t express how grateful we feel that you helped us out this month with our rent. We were stuck and really afraid of losing our home and afraid what could have happened next as a result of that…Thank you so much for allowing us the opportunity to see that there are still humble people in the world willing to help those in need. We cannot wait for the time in our lives where we can also help someone else the way you’ve helped us. We are grateful for everything and hope to someday meet you to thank you personally”

“Dear Kind Person,

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and generosity. I believe you saved me from not only a great depression but also from a financial setback I would not recover from. Never in my life has someone been so kind in this way. Your kindness will not be forgotten, and I will pay it forward to someone else in need. You are a special person the kind that this world needs more off. I pray that in paying forward this blessing, it sets off a chain reaction in this world. Even if it’s only a small one. May the effects be like the ripples in a pond and carry until they can go no more.”

“I don’t know how to explain the weight you lifted off my shoulders. I want to thank you so much for giving myself and children a place to sit down and eat as a family. Thank you so much for giving us a comfortable space to sleep at night. I never thought the littlest things can mean so much, thank you from my family to yours.”

“Thank you so much for your generous donation. My family and I are going through the hardest time in our lives. My wife and daughter are sick and no one in the family can work. They have been to many doctors without any help. Your donation allows for us to have light and necessities in the house and makes us feel more comfortable. We appreciate it so much.”

“I wanted to thank you for your generosity when making this donation. I can’t express how grateful I am for it and for the amazing experience I was able to have because of it. It truly is something I will forever be grateful for. Not many students receive this opportunity and the fact that both of my parents and I had one less burden to worry about as I approach college life is a feeling that is unexplainable. IT made the whole experience a lot more enjoyable. Again Thank You! It is something I will never forget!”

“I want to sincerely thank you for helping me through these rough times. My car is all I have to get me to and from work and to my daughter. These repairs are very much needed and trying to do it all on my own was starting to feel overwhelming and at times impossible. With my car repaired I can finally get caught up on my bills and get to take my daughter with me every weekend instead of every other week. So this means the world to me. Thank you so much.”